为了实现对计算机主机的安全检测,并对其安全性做出合适的评估,设计并实现了一种采用Windows API接口对计算机安全状态进行检测的系统。系统首先调用操作系统的系统调用提取计算机的各种软硬件信息,然后将该结果与信任项、黑名单进行比对。比对的结果通过打分的方式显示出计算机的安全程度,分值越高相应的安全程度越高。经过测试,该系统能正确的提取操作系统注册表注册表、浏览器、进程、软硬件配置等信息,并能根据这些信息给相应对的安全评估。
To realize the security detection and make a appropriate evaluation to the computer, design and implement a system with Windows application programming interface to detect the computer security status. First the system extracts all kinds of soft-ware and hardware information of the computer. Then it compares the detection result with the trust list and black list. After the comparison the system gives the score to the computer to show the safety level of the computer. The test result of the system shows it can correctly extracts information about the registry table of the operating system, the browser, the processes, the soft-ware and hardware configuration. It also shows the system can make the corresponding security evaluation according to the infor-mation.