Under the background of multi-vendor muhi-retailer single central warehouse supply chain, taking into account the con- straints of the order quantities of the supplier, retailer, central warehouse, and the constrains of their order frequency, the total warehouse costs of vendor managed inventory problem mathematical model was established. To solve this model, aiming at the minimum total inventoy cost, memetic algorithm is used to solve the annual ordering frequency of the supplier, retailer, central warehouse, and the order quantity. An encoding way is built to bridge the VMI and the algorithm. In the process of global search, to absorb the genes of the best individual, use the crossover way that is based on the cross-way location. In the process of local search,to produce a certain scale neighborhood gene individuals, use the mutation way that is based on location. To get the best parameters of the algorithm, the orthogonal experimental design is used. The algorithm is used to solve a specific problem. The ex- ample shows the effectiveness of the algorithm.