十八大以来 , 习近平总书记多次强调要牢记中国是统一的多民族国家的基本国情, 积极培 养中华民族共同体意识.这为新时期民族工作的发展指明了方向.要解决好我国“两个一百年”进程 中的民族问题, 为中华民族伟大复兴提供切实强大的民族团结保障和民族发展动力,就必须从历史与现 实相结合的角度,深刻认识和把握中华民族共同体多元一体的民族结构格局和中国多民族“大一统”的 国家政治传统对民族工作的深远影响.
Since the 18 th CCPC, general secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly stressed the need to keep in mind that China is a unified multi-ethnic country as the basic national conditions. The collective community consciousness of Chinese be actively cultivated,which pointed out the direction for the development of national work in the new period. We must un-derstand from the perspective of the integration of history and reality to solve China ’s “ two one hundred years” in the process of ethnic issues, and to provide a strong guarantee of national unity and national development impetus for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,so as to deeply understand and grasp of the national political tradition’ s deep influence to the ethnic work.