LAMOST(Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopy Telescope)的巡天战略系统的主要功能是安排观测计划,而规划巡天星表是开展所有工作的初始步骤。天文研究人员或者巡天观测人员需要从各种类型的数据库进行选星、提取和录入。使用JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)数据库访问技术,利用面向对象的编程思想,实现了一个能访问多种类型数据库、获取星表数据、数据格式转换和星表录入的工具,支持大数据量处理,为天文研究人员以及巡天观测管理人员提供帮助。
The major function of the Survey Strategy System (SSS) of the Large sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) is to generate observational plans and direct sky surveys. The management of an object catalog will thus be the initializing step of a survey. Astronomers will need to select targets from various database resources according to their research subjects and then input data entries of the objects into the catalog. Using object-oriented programming and the JDBC technology, we have designed and realized a general tool for database access and object data input. It has the capability of accessing databases, extracting data of objects, converting data formats, inputting object catalogs, and supporting processing of massive amount of data. With this tool astronomers can select target objects and manage survey catalogs rather conveniently.