传统用水量指标仅仅考虑了地表水和地下水使用量(蓝水),忽略了对人类生产贡献巨大的绿水,水足迹是指在一定的物质生活水平下,维持一定人群消费所需要的总的水资源数量,包含蓝水和绿水,水足迹真实地反映了一个地区人类消费对水资源的占有情况,为水资源科学管理提供了一个新的方法。引入了水足迹的概念和计算方法和相关评价指标,计算分析了2005年云南楚雄州生产用水量和水足迹。结果表明,楚雄州2005年的总的生产系统耗水量26.2亿m^3,远远高于水资源公报中统计的蓝水消耗量,全州总的水足迹为13.257亿m^3,人均水足迹516.52 m^3,水足迹占生产系统耗水量的50.6%,其余49.4%的生产耗水以虚拟的形式流往其他地区。
The concept of water footprint is developed to have an indicator of water use in relation to people's consumption.The water footprint of a country or a region is defined as the volume of water needed for the production of the goods and services consumed by the inhabitants of that country or region.Water footprint can be divided into green,blue and grey water footprints.There are two ways to calculate water footprints.Firstly,the water footprint of a nation or region can be assessed by making use of domestic water resources.Secondly,the water footprint can be calculated by multiplying the amount of production of goods and services consumed by the inhabitants of that country or region with the virtual water content of the corresponding products which are often expressed in terms of cubic meters of water per ton of the product(=litres/kg).In this paper,we put forward the concept of water paper and the ways of water paper and the ways to calculation.Then we computed the water footprint of Chuxiong State in Yunnan Province in 2005.The result shows that water footprint of Chuxiong in 2005 is 13.257×108 m^3,which means everyone has 516.52 m^3.In total water use for production,49.4% of water has flowed out of the region in virtual water.This is not good for Chuxiong because in arid regions water is very scarce.This paper analyzes the ways to solve the problem of water shortage.It also analyzes the structure of water footprint and brings forward some ways to reduce water footprints in order to alleviate water shortage.