采用动土压力盒测量盘兴高速公路三标和四标试验段大吨位压路机碾压试验时的动土应力,进行大粒径填石路基 的动力响应分析.依据应力波在竖向的衰减律,得出碾压动应力值的衰减函数:使用简化模型分析振动碾压时路基的压 实作用,有限元软件计算结果和试验数据验证了模型的准确性:依据不同施工条件下的动土应力值,得出最佳施工参数,碾 压遍数不低于8遍,最佳摊铺厚度为100cm,最大粒径控制为50 cm,压路机最大激振力80t, 在此施工条件下可有效提高 路基碾压的施工质量.
The dynamic stress of the soil in the third and fourth sections of Pan-xing highway was measured using the earth pressure cell during the rolling test. Based on the attenuation law of stress wave in the vertical direction, the energy attenuation function of dynamic stress was derived. A simplified model was established to analyze the compaction effect. A comparison was made with the measured values, which validated the accuracy of the model. The results were the number of rolling repetitions of no less than 8 times, optimum paving thickness of 100cm, the maximum particle size controlled to 50cm, roller maximum exciting force of 80t, and the construction parameters determined by the research results could effectively improve the quality of subgrade compaction.