一、引言 我国经济转型期间,中央政府的权利分散、财政和金融的改革促使地方政府具有强烈的动机来发展本地经济,但由于国家宏观政策和地理环境以及地区的历史因素影响,区域发展不均衡问题日渐凸显,并在近两年受到社会各界关注。Yao指出我国区域发展不均衡是未来发展必须关注的重要问题,Xue强调不断扩大的不均衡可能会导致严重的社会和政治问题,且落后地区可能会影响经济发展全局。资料显示,1978-1990年期间区域经济发展不均衡呈收敛趋势,但从1991年起,区域经济发展不均衡呈现发散趋势,特别是沿海与内陆,城市和乡村的差距更是受到了关注。
This paper uses GDP per capita, rural per capita net income and urban per capita disposable income to depict Chinese regional economic development, based on which, the inequality index GEM and polarization index TW are applied to analyze the evolution of inequality and polarization of economic development on the aggregation level of nation, belt and province from 1993 to 2003. According to the results, the paper proposes that the government should be concerned about the inequality and polarization of regional economic development simultaneously. When measures are made to decrease the national inequality, that in coast region should be concerned especially. Moreover, polices applied to reduce disparities should be made on lower level.