光电器件(光电倍增管、光电二极管、太阳能电池等)的应用研究日益广泛,对其性能的测试要求也越来越高,尤其是对其核心部件光阴极光电转化量子效率(Quantum efficiency,QE)的测试和标定。通过建立的光阴极性能测试系统,开展了对各种型号光电器件阴极的测试研究。测试研究内容包括对光阴极在特定波长下QE的绝对测量和相对测量、对光阴极频谱响应特性的测量以及对光阴极面均匀性的扫描测试。目前对多种不同型号的光电二极管(Photo diode,PD)和光电倍增管(Photomultiplier tube,PMT)光阴极QE的测试结果显示,无论采用绝对测量或相对测量,其结果均与已有第三方标定结果一致;同时,搭建的二维扫描测试平台实现了对平面型光阴极均匀性的快速准确测试。
Background: Photoelectric devices such as photomultiplier tubes(PMTs), photo diodes(PDs) and solar cells are widely used in many applications, so reliable evaluation on the performances of such devices is quite necessary, especially for the accurate measurements and calibrations on the photocathode quantum efficiency(QE). Purpose: We aim to build up a cathode performance evaluation system and study the properties of different types of cathodes. Methods: Two different methods named as the relative measurement and the direct measurements were employed to measure the QE values of cathodes. In addition, a 2D platform was built to achieve convenient and accurate processes for the plane type photocathode position uniformity test. Results: With the evaluation system, the cathode properties of dozens of photoelectric devices were tested. The measured QE results, either from the relative or the direct measurement, are consistent with the data provided by the manufacturers or a third party. Conclusion: Our cathode evaluation system is reliable and could be used to study the detailed photocathode properties such as QE, spectral response and position uniformity.