To understand the effects of nitrogen deposition on the soil nitrogen mmerahzatlon ot typical grassland in Loess plateau, the resin core method (buried PVC pipe) was employed to determine the sea- sonal pattern of in-situ net ammonification, nitrification and net mineralization, explore the effects of ni- trogen addition on the contribution of net nitrogen mineralization/immobilization and the amount of nitrate nitrogen leaching at the beginning of nitrogen addition. The results showed that the nitrification was the main mineralization progress in the typical grassland of Loess plateau, and the net nitrification rate was significant higher in summer than that in autumn. The seasonal pattern of nitrogen mineralization was changed in semi-arid grassland at the beginning of nitrogen addition. Nitrogen transformation presented ni- trogen immobilization in summer and nitrogen mineralization in autumn, the variation of nitrogen minerali- zation-immobilization was increased. There was significant interaction between seasonal factor and nitrogen addition on nitrogen mineralization-immobilization. Nitrogen mineralization wasn't inhibited under high N addition at the beginning of nitrogen addition. The content of nitrate nitrogen in resin significantly in- creased with the increase of nitrogen addition rate, but the values were small and only accounted for 1.72~4.74~ of nitrogen application rate.