在25 a生的马尾松林下分别套种1 a生的火力楠、闽粤栲、苦槠、格氏栲、青栲和拉氏栲幼苗,经过16 a的培育后形成了郁闭的针阔混交异龄林,分别以马-火(Pm-Mm)、马-闽(Pm-Cf)、马-苦(Pm-Cs)、马-格(Pm-Ck)、马-青(Pm-Cm)、马-拉(Pm-Cl)表示。对上述6种混交林的蓄积量、生物量、凋落物、物种多样性、土壤肥力等10个指标进行分析和综合,以揭示混交林的经济效益、生态效益和地力维持。在此基础上,应用层次分析法(AHP)确定各指标的权重,构建多目标决策模型,对混交林综合效益进行了评价。根据综合评价值的大小,各混交林的优劣顺序为:马-闽→马-苦→马-拉→马-青→马-格→马-火,从而为马尾松混交模式的选择提供科学依据。
One-year old seedlings of six hardwood species, Michelia macclurei, Castanopsis fissa, Castanopsis sclerophylla, Castanopsis kawakamii, Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia and Castanopsis lamontii, were separately planted under 25-years-old Masson' s pine plantation, and developed into closed mixed forests after 16 years, abbreviated in this paper as Pm - Mm, Pm - Cf, Pm - Cs, Pm - Ck, Pm - Cm, and Pm - C1, respectively. Economic, ecological, and soil fertility maintenance values for the above six mixed stands were categorized by integrating ten factors involving stand stock, biomass, litterfall, species diversity and soil fertility. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was applied to obtain relative weights of each criterion and sub-criterion, and then develop a multicriteria decision model for evaluating the comprehensive benefits of the mixed stands. According to the integrated values derived from the model, the mixed Masson pine forests ranked in the following order: Pm → Cf→Pm → Cs→ Pm → CI→Pm →Cm→Pm→ Ck→Pm → Mm, which provided a reference for introducing favorable hardwood species to interplant under Masson pine canopy