2008年3月采用室内中型受控系统,开展了大型海藻龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis)对浮游植物群落结构影响的实验研究。实验培养池为9个2m×0.7m×1m的培养池,注入1000L沙滤海水。实验设置3个处理组:对照组(未添加龙须菜)、3kg龙须菜组和6kg龙须菜组,每组3个平行,实验周期为10d。结果表明,未添加龙须菜的对照组发生了中肋骨条藻赤潮,水体浑浊并伴有恶臭,浮游植物细胞密度峰值为3.88×107 cells·L^-1,叶绿素a浓度峰值为43.87μg·L^-1;3kg和6kg龙须菜处理组水体浮游植物细胞密度最高值分别为3.78×106 cells·L^-1和1.33×106cells·L^-1,叶绿素a浓度最高值分别为15.16μg·L^-1和6.69μg·L^-1,均显著低于对照组(p≤0.01)。龙须菜处理组浮游植物种类较多,群落结构较稳定。大型海藻龙须菜作为富营养化水体生物修复材料,可有效提高水质和防治赤潮。
In order to evaluate the effect of seaweed Gracialria lemaneiformis on the phytoplankton community, an indoor enclosure experiment was carried out in March 2008. Nine pools with a capacity of 1 400 L were filled with 1 000 L filtrated seawater. There were three treatments in the experirnent, namely control(without addition of G. lemaneiformis), 3 kg G. lemaneiformis treatment and 6 kg G. lemaneiformis treatment, respectively. The experimental period lasted for 10 days. During the experiment, a Skeletonema costatum algal bloom occurred in the control group with the phytoplankton cell density reaching to 3.88×10^7 cells-L^-1 at the 8^th day, which was significantly higher than the groups with seaweed addition. The highest chlorophyll-a concentration was 43.87 μg·L^-1 in the control group. Low levels of the phytoplankton cell density and chlorophyll-a concentration were observed in the pools with G lemaneiformis. The highest phytoplankton cell densities of 3 kg and 6 kg group were 3.78×10^6 cells·L^-1 and 1.33×10^6 cells·L^-1, respectively. The highest chlorophyll-a concentrations of 3 kg and 6 kg group were 15.16 μg·L^-1 and 6.69 μg·L^-1, respectively. G. lemaneiformis could optimize the phytoplankton community structure meanwhile. This study demonstrates that G. lemaneiformis is a good bioremediation material to improve water quality and thus to prevent red tide occurrence.