软件外包中开发效率低、可靠性差的问题一直存在。PAR(Partition and Recur)方法及高可靠软件开发平台PAR平台,在提高软件开发效率和可靠性方面能够发挥很好的作用。本文将PAR方法和PAR平台应用于外包软件开发过程,使用PAR平台成功研发中软国际实训教材中软件外包案例,在软件开发效率和可靠性方面取得显著效果。
Poor reliability and low efficiency are existed in the software service outsourcing industry. The PAR(Partition and Recur) method and the highly reliable platform for software development called PAR platform used in software development can improve the efficiency of development and the reliability of software. This paper carries out the feasibility analysis about applying PAR method and PAR platform to software outsourcing. A software service outsourcing case was implemented successfully in PAR platform, which brings the significant effect in efficiency and reliability of software development.