给出了一种能够实现多种散列函数的VLSI-IP模块设计,应用到一种网络安全处理器的认证模块设计中.在实现SHA-1和CHI安全散列函数运算的基础上,进而利用迭代技术实现散列消息鉴别码HMAC-SHA-1和HMAC-CHI-160,并生成SSL(Security Socket Layer)协议中所需的主密钥和密钥块.采用SMIC0.13μm CMOS工艺,综合后关键路径为4.56ns,面积为0.61mm2,运算SHA-1的吞吐率达到1.82Gb/s.
This work presents a VLSI-IP module design for implementing multi-hash function, applied to an authentication module design for network security processor. On the basis of implementing hash function such as SHA-1 and CHI, by using iteration technology, this module supports not only keyed-hashing for message authentication such as HMAC-SHA-1 and HMAC-CHI-160,but also generating MASTER-KEY and KEY-BLOCK in SSL(Security Socket Layer) protocol. This module was designed with SMIC 0.13μm CMOS technology occuping 0.61mm2 with critical path of 4.56ns, the implementation result gives a throughput of 1.82Gb/s for SHA-1.