The contents of sugars, organic acids and volatiles are the main biological characters which affect the quality and the taste of pear fruits. The metabolites in mature pear fruits were analyzed by gas chromatogra- phy-mass spectrometry which aimed to explore and establish the metabolomic methods including sample prepara- tion, examination and data processing. The method showed perfect accuracy, stability and reproducibility on the basis of the methodological analysis. The quantitative analysis suggested the major metabolites in organic phase extract of mature pear fruits were carbohydrates, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, volatile acids, esters, etc., and those in polar phase extract of mature pear fruits were sugars, sugar alcohols, organic acids, etc. The platform of meta- bolic profiling analysis on the major quality components established in this experiment will provide the experi- mental foundation for the metabolomic analysis on the quality formation of pear fruits.