为查明受污染的白洋淀地表水渗漏范围,对周边地下水主要离子水化学的影响,并评价地下水是否适用于灌溉,在该区域现场测定了地表水及地下水pH、EC(Electric Conductivity)和ORP(Oxidation-Reduction Potential)等参数,采样分析各水体D、18O和主要离子组成,结合判别分析和钠吸附比RSA(Sodium Adsorption Ratio)讨论。结果表明,淀水渗漏使浅层地下水电导率升高,氧化还原电位值降低,且更加富集重同位素;唐河污水库周边浅层地下水SO42-和Na+含量明显增大。浅层地下水的δ18O值结合水位埋深有效地标记了淀水渗漏影响地下水的范围。浅层地下水主要受到白洋淀渗漏的影响,唐河污水库附近的浅层地下水受污水库渗漏影响。污染地表水渗漏使得浅层地下水水质普遍下降。白洋淀西部和唐河污水库周边浅层地下水不适宜用于灌溉。
A field survey is conducted on surface and groundwater samples collected from the Baiyangdian area in an effort to identify the scope and the impact of percolation of contaminated surface water on groundwater in the area, and to evaluate the groundwater quality for irrigation purposes. The pH, EC (Electric Conductivity) and ORP (Oxidation- Reduction Potential) values of water samples are measured, and their hydrogen and oxygen isotopic and major ion compositions are analysed. Using the linear diseriminant analysis method and the RSA (Sodium Adsorption Ratio)in- dex, the surface water leakage and its influence on groundwater are studied and discussed. Results show that the leak- age from Baiyangdian Lake can lead to an increase in EC and a decrease in ORP with heavy isotopes being enriched in shallow groundwater. The concentrations of SO~- and Na ~ in shallow groundwater around the Tang sewage reservoir have increased significantly. The extent of surface water leakages is sufficiently marked with δ18O values and the water table depth of shallow groundwater. The shallow groundwater is mainly recharged by Baiyangdian Lake. The groundw- ater quality around the Tang sewage reservoir area is affected by the percolation of reservoir water. The percolation of contaminated surface water has caused a general decline in groundwater quality in the area. The groundwater quality is not suitable for irrigation purpose in the west region of Baiyangdian Lake and the area around the Tang sewage reservoir.