Viewing the history of the legal norms of circulation of the right to operate contracted land, the " subcontract" of which is created to break through the leasing prohibition of the rural land contracted management right from Constitution and the land ad- ministrative regulations. At the beginning of the creation, in order to avoid legal conflicts, the relevant norms had to be allowed to "subcontract" and prohibit "lease". After the lifting of the ban o{ "lease", the circulation of the right to operate contracted land becoming increas- ingly active, the relevant norms change to admit and allow the "subcontract" and "lease" of the rural land contracted management right to coexist. In addition, in the Measures for the Administration of Circulation of Rural Land Contracted Management Right, the different def- inition of "subcontract" and "lease" does not exist when the "subcontract" is created. There- {ore, there is no essential difference between the " subcontract" and "lease" of the right to operate contracted land and the coexistence of those should be avoided in the legal norms. In view of the fact that " subcontracting" or "lease" only produces contractual effect and the form and content of which is free, the Civil Code does not need to specifically regulate it.