为了解决逻辑分层软件架构中存在数据共享困难和服务器负担过重的问题,提出一种可以分层部署的架构方式。该方式通过Web Service可以在不同的服务器之间进行无缝连接与通信,把逻辑上独立的软件层次部署到不同的服务器上,实现软件层次物理上独立,有效解决以上问题。
To solve the problems of difficulty of data sharing and server overburdening in logical hierarchy architecture,a software architecture is proposed whose layers can be deployed separately in the paper. In this architecture,web service is used in seamless connectivity and communications between the severs of different layers. Logically independent layers could be deployed on different servers. So the layers could be independent physically. Application examples show that this architecture can solve the above problems effectively.