Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the sixth mostcommon cancer and the third most common causeof cancer-related deaths worldwide. The BarcelonaClinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) classification has beenendorsed as the optimal staging system and treatmentalgorithm for HCC by the European Association for theStudy of Liver Disease and the American Associationfor the Study of Liver Disease. However, in real life,the majority of patients who are not considered idealcandidates based on the BCLC guideline still wereperformed hepatic resection nowadays, which means manyhepatic surgeons all around the world do not follow the BCLCguidelines. The accuracy and application of the BCLCclassification has constantly been challenged by manyclinicians. From the surgeons' perspectives, we hereinput forward some comments on the BCLC classificationconcerning subjectivity of the assessment criteria,comprehensiveness of the staging definition and accuracyof the therapeutic recommendations. We hope to furtherdiscuss with peers and colleagues with the aim tomake the BCLC classification more applicable to clinicalpractice in the future.