钻柱是石油钻井中用量大、质量要求高的管材,长期处在充满钻井液的狭长井眼里,受力情况非常复杂。每年国内外部会发生大量钻柱失效事故,造成重大经济损失。在国内外钻柱失效研究方法分析的基础上,阐明了国内外钻柱失效研究方法的区别,指出了钻柱动力学研究的重要性,较详细地叙述了国内外钻柱动力学研究及应用方面的最新进展,重点介绍了Baker Hughes INTEQ公司在钻柱动力学特性监测方面的研究成果及钻柱动力学特性监控方法,指出了国内钻柱动力学研究的重点。
Drill string is made from high quality steel tube and is widely used in petroleum industry. The drill string works in the narrow wellbore filled with drilling fluid and subjects to very complex forces. There are many accidents of the drill string failure every year around the world, which lead to enormous waste of time and money. Based on lots of documents about the drill string failure, the difference of researches between China and other countries is elucidated and the significance of drill string dynamics research is presented in this paper. A detail introduction of the latest development and the application of drill string dynamics are presented also. In particular, the monitoring method of drill string dynamics of Baker Hughes INTEQ Company and the achievements have been made in this area are emphasized in this paper. Key points are brought forward to develop drilling string dynamics at home.