地下采矿形成的采空区,严重影响着矿区环居民的生命财产安全。探测空区的厚度,对有效治理采空区及预防控制采空区灾害具有重要的意义。本文采用意大利产的Detector新型探地雷达设备,对采空区覆盖层厚度进行探测,该设备天线为IDS TR 40MHz屏蔽天线,最大探测深度可以达到50m。对监测方法及流程进行了概述,并将其应用到龙桥铁矿的采空区覆盖层探测中,发现该矿山的覆盖成厚度大于25m,满足安全生产的需要,为矿山的安全生产提供了理论依据。
The mined goal near the shallow surface of the mine has been a hidden trouble of the mine disaster. To prevent and control the disasters of goal, it is important to detect overlying rock thickness of goal. In this paper, a new Italian production Detector Ground Penetrating Radar devices is applied to detect the overlying rock thickness of goal. The antenna of The device is the IDS TR40 MHz, and the maximum detection depth up to 50 m. Monitoring methods and procedures were reviewed, and it applied to detect o- verlying rock thickness of goal in the Longqiao mined iron ore exploration. The results show that the over- lying rock thickness is greater than 25 m, which meets the safety requirements for the mine' s safety, and it provides a theoretical basis.