目的探讨汉族人肩、髋两大关节的活动范围(range of motion,ROM)与现行《法医临床检验规范SF/ZJD0103003-2011》的差异性,并初步阐明性别、年龄因素对其ROM产生的影响。方法法医临床案件中选取仅单侧肩或髋关节受伤的汉族样本案例,将其健侧关节的ROM与现行标准《法医临床检验规范SF/ZJD0103003-2011》中的参考值的平均值进行比较分析,并对比该侧的不同年龄段(0~25岁、26~40岁、41~50岁、51~60岁及60岁以上)及性别间的差异。结果正常人体肩、髋关节的ROM的实际值与标准中参考值的平均值有较大的差异;5个不同年龄段肩、髋关节的部分方向ROM正常值存在差异且均随年龄的增长呈进行性下降的趋势。50岁以上人群在肩关节外展上举和髋关节内收、外旋等部分方向ROM正常值存在性别差异。结论正常汉族人肩、髋关节ROM存在年龄差异性,性别差异在50岁以上人群中较为明显。《法医临床检验规范SF/Z JD0103003-2011》标准所提供的参考值范围与实测值存在一定的差异。
Objective The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of gender and age on shoulder and hip range of motion(ROM) and to determine the differences of ROM of normal side shoulder and hip joints between the data we collected and the published standards(Guideline of Examination for Body Impairment in Clinical Forensic Medicine SF/ZJD0103003-2011) in China. Methods We collected cases with unilateral injury of shoulder or hip from clinical forensic medicine. The differences of ROM of normal side joint between the data we collected and the published standards were studied. Descriptive statistics was calculated between male and female subjects in five age groups including 0~25, 26~40, 41~50, 51~60 and 60 years, and the ROM changes with age were also studied. Results The data collected in this study was significantly different from the published standard. With age growth, the ROM of shoulder and hip were decreased and a significant difference between genders in partial activity direction of shoulder and hip was found in the individuals who were over 50 years. Conclusion Gender and age appear to be influential factors to determine the normal ROM of the shoulder and hip joint, and there is significantly difference of ROM of normal side shoulder and hip joints between the data we collected and the published standards(Guideline of Examination for Body Impairment in Clinical Forensic Medicine SF/ZJD0103003-2011).