As online to offiine (O2O) e-commerce develops quickly in recent years, many problems have occurred. Some service providers are poor, while some providers are dishonest. It is difficult for users to choose an honest O2O service provider who can provide suitable service. To solve the problem, we propose a method for trustworthiness recommendation of suitable O2O service providers to users based on the providers' reputation and users' similarity. A user-service rating matrix is used to compute the users' comprehensive ratings on O2O service providers, and a comprehensive user-service provider rating matrix generated. The recommendation method combines the matrix with reputations of the O2O service providers to compute similarities of different users. Suitable O2O service providers are then recommended to users. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method has better recommendation accuracy as compared to other traditional methods, as well as some state-of-the-art methods. It performs well in resisting malicious attacks.