2006~2007年,利用人工驯化养殖3年以上的扁吻鱼(Aspiorhynchus laticeps)亲鱼,通过人工催产、流水刺激、人工采卵等方法,2年共采卵99万粒,授精率83.3%,孵化率67.8%,室内人工孵化出苗56万尾,初孵仔鱼全长0.7cm,水温17~19℃时,约6d后开口摄食,开口饵料为轮虫或卤虫无节幼体。
Artificial breeding of moscd fish broodstock, domesticated for 3 year, was carried out during the year 2006 -09. A total of 990 000 eggs were produced througth approaches like oxytocin injection, water stinulation and egges mining methods adopted for two years. The pertiligation rate was 83.3% with 67.8% hatchability. Indoor artifical incubation emergence was 560 000, the hatchling being about 0.7 cm at water temperature 17 - 19℃ . The hachling weaned rotifer or Artemie nauplii feed six days after feeding was started.