Adj ustment of demand driving force structure of economic growth is an important manifesta-tion of representation of a country's economic growth mode.Since 80's of the twentieth Century,the schol-ars of China have made continuous attention and research in the field.In order to lay the foundation for the follow-up research,we review,sort and summarize the literature about the present situation and evolu-tion of demand driving force structure of economic growth of China,the effect of demand driving force structure on the economic development,evaluation of rationality of demand driving force structure,the o-rientation of adj ustment of demand driving force structure,adj ustment theory and empirical evidence of de-mand driving force structure,influencing factors of demand driving force structure changes and causes of demand driving force structure unbalance,strategies and countermeasures of adj ustment of the demand de-riving force structure,and at last comment these literature briefly.