中国旗袍,历百年变迁而不衰,虽然款式、做工等方面有过多次变革,但其"一件制"表现形式和中文名称等基本保持一致。值得关注的是,旗袍的英文译名却有Cheongsam、Qipao、Qi Pao、Chipao、Chirpaur、Mandarin gown、Chinese dress等多种表达形式,可谓五花八门,不仅容易误导西方受众,也不利于中国旗袍文化的对外传播。文章首先从国内外普通消费和学术研究两方面概述旗袍英译名称混乱的现状,然后逐一分析和对比这些译名出现的原因,进而提出旗袍最合理的译名,并根据当前现实提出了译名统一的建议。
Chinese Qipao has kept almost unchanged. Although the style and workmanship have reformed many times, its form of one-piece dress and its Chinese name basically keep consistent. Its English names include Cheongsam, Qipao, Qi Pao, Chi-pao, Chirpaur, Mandarin gown and Chinese dress etc. So many English names may easily mislead western audiences and also are adverse to external communication of Chinese Qipao culture. After a brief introduction to the confused state of English names of Chopao from Chinese and foreign common consumers and academic research, this paper analyzes and compares the reasons for these English names and then proposes the most rational English name and the suggestion on unifying the English name according to current situations.