The East Asian Summer Monsoon( EASM) exerts considerable influences on the climate in China.Studying kinetic energy sources of monsoon circulation from the perspective of energetics is critical important to understand monsoon variability and relevant mechanism. The traditional theory of Available Potential Energy( APE)and relevant studies were reviewed,and some limitations of the APE theory in studying regional effective energy cycle and transformation were discussed. A new theory of Perturbation Potential Energy( PPE) of atmospheric circulation,which can be applicable to the study of energy cycle and transformation of regional circulation systems,was introduced. The advantage of the PPE theory in studying regional effective energy cycle and conversion was discussed,and some advances in the role of the PPE in variability of the EASM were further reviewed. At the end,some important scientific open questions about the application of the PPE to investigations of EASM variability in future were summarized as follows: spatial-temporal characteristics and dominant modes of PPE at seasonal-interannual timescale over the EASM region,and their relationships with the EASM and lower boundary forcings; the physical processes and relevant mechanisms on how lower boundary forcings affecting the kinetic energy of EASM circulation through the key link of PPE; the preceding PPE signals associated with EASM variations,relevant underlying mechanisms,and predictability of the preceding PPE signals as well.