提出了数控车床仿真系统的总体方案。深入研究了虚拟制造的关键技术及具体实现方法。在Open-GL与VC++的平台上。基于NC代码直接驱动仿真加工过程的虚拟现实技术。利用3ds Max对静态物体进行几何建模。利用重画技术和粒子系统方法对动态物体进行行为建模和物理建模。然后将几何建模、行为建模和物理建模结合起来模拟整个数控加工过程。
This paper mainly discusses the key technology of Virtual CNC Manufacturing, and brings out a way of constructive CNC virtual Manufacturing. According to the technology of virtual - reality based on modeling,uses OpenGL and VC + + as the development tool,adopts 3ds Max to realize the geometric modeling of static entities ; while as to dynamic entities, uses redrawing technique method and particle system method to realize the behavior modeling and the physical modeling respectively. Then combines geometric, behavior and physical modeling methods to simulate the whole CNC manufacturing process.