The behaviors were obviously different between unsaturated and saturated loess under dynamic load- ings. Generally, the former suffered from seismic subsidence (dynamic residual strain) while the latter brought about liquefaction. Based on laboratory tests of static/dynamic triaxials, soil-water characteristic curve and per- meability of water and air, the key roles of tri-phases of solid, water and air were analyzed in controlling the stress response process of natural loess. The uniformity of the response mechanism was confirmed for the dy- namic residual strain and the liquefaction of loess. The testing results revealed that, during different loading pro- cesses, the degree of correlation between external loading and residual deformation (or between residual defor- mation and pore pressure) was generally greater than the value between external loading and pore pressure.This could provide a proof that the residual deformation of solid phase of loess would be directly caused by external loadings, whereas the water and air in void indirectly responded to the loading through a compressed way generated by solid particles. While the pore pressure of natural loess should be generated under external loadings, the determining factors might be the de- formation of the solid phase and the lower permeability of water and air phases. As a result, the distinct difference between dy- namic residual strain and liquefaction of loess primarily should be related to the difference of permeability and compressibility between water and air.