To solve the problem of slow convergence speed before reaching the global optimum in the conventional differential evolution (DE), an effective approach, called elite opposition-based learning, is proposed, in which the generalized opposition-based learning strategy is improved by the elite members. A novel hybrid differential evolution algorithm (EOCoDE) is presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm incorporates the elite opposition-based learn- ing method into the mechanism of less influenced parameter and mutation strategy. It is also proven that the proposed algorithm can guarantee the convergence towards the global optimum. The novel algorithm starts with an initial popu- lation by elite opposition-based learning strategy, and then selects the knowledge from the mutation strategy base and control parameter setting base to generate the DE population. During the evolution process, the opposition population is calculated to compete with the current population according to the preset probability of learning. Experimental re- sults show that the elite opposition-based learning strategy has much better search performance than the generalized opposition-based learning strategy and the novel EOCoDE algorithms can obtain better efficiency.