The Cloudsat satellite data during June 2006 to April 2011, were used to investigate the cloud vertical profiles over the East Asian region (20°- 50° N, 80°- 120° E), with particular emphasis on comparing the differences between radar reflectivity profiles of precipitation and non-precipitation clouds, as well as seasonal variations of these profiles. The results show that.. (1) Generally, the radar reflectivity of precipitation clouds mainly locates at below 8 km with dBz between -20 and 15, while the radar reflectivity of non-precipitation clouds locates at 4 - 12 km with dBz between - 28 - 0 with the radar reflectivity of precipitation being able to usually reach to ground; (2) there are differences among liquid precipitation, solid precipitation, and possible drizzle precipitation clouds profiles; (3) the radar reflectivity increases gradually from 11 km to 7 km with the tem- peratures always below O°C in liquid precipitation clouds, suggesting that condensation and collision-coalescence processes play a vital role in the formation of large-size liquid drops; (4) the frequency distribution of temperature at - 15°C is consistent with the high radar reflectivity in solid precipitation clouds, meaning that the temperature at - 15°C or so is advantageous to deposition and accretion processes; (5) the vertical distribution of liquid precipitation clouds changes slightly from spring to autumn, but mainly in the low-level in winter° the vertical distribution of solid precipitation clouds changes with alternate double and single high-frequency with the season, and this is consistent with the variation of the frequency distribution of temperature at - 15°C ° the non-precipitation clouds vertical distribution changes little with seaso and (6) the deep convective and nimbostratus clouds are the major types of cloud generating precipitation drops.