把关于布尔函数的Carlet不等式推广到向量输出的布尔函数并且引入了向量输出的Partially Bent函数的概念,即广义Carlet不等式中等式成立的向量输出布尔函数.给出了一些广义Carlet不等式中等式成立的充分必要条件.进一步讨论了二元向量输出的partially bent函数的密码学性质.
The Carlet inequality for Boolean functions is extended to vector-output Boolean functions in this paper. Vector-output partially bent functions are introduced as the vector-output Boolean functions for which equality holds in the generalized Carlet inequality. Some necessary and sufficient conditions are given for which equality holds in the generalized Carlet inequality. Furthermore, the cryptographic properties of binary vectoroutput partially bent functions are discussed.