Gravel bedload transport is of great significance to the development and utilization of mountain-ous rivers. Generally,the bed particles may perform rolling,sliding or saltating motions depending on flowand bed conditions. In low flow intensity range,rolling is the main form of movement;even the saltationparticles which account for the majority of bedload usually need to roll some distance before leaps. There-fore,it is necessary to carry some research into rolling sediment particles. On the basis of analyzing theforces of one rolling particle,a mechanical model was built which divided a single-step movement into twoparts,i.e. touching movement and free movement. Then expressions for the rate and distance of a single-step movement were obtained by methods of numerical calculation and regression analysis. Finally by modify-ing the erosion probability of particles and the dimensionless step length used in Einstein's bedload func-tion transport rate formula was derived and validated with actual measured data.