Workplace ostracism is a complicated phenomenon which result in prosocial reaction, antisocial reaction and avoidance. There are few researches about the relationship between workplace ostracismand employee silence. There fore, based on 360 survey samples collected through several southern provinces in China, this paper empirically investigates the role of workplace ostracism effects on the behavior of employee silence. It finds that: ( 1 ) workplace ostracism has a sig nificant positive impact on the behavior of employee silence ; ( 2 ) The perceived organizationaljustice play a mediating role, eithercomplete or partial, between workplace ostracism and employee silence ; ( 3 ) The job embeddedness does not moderate the relationship between workplace ostracism and indifferent silence. On the contrary, it play a significant negative modera tor role on the relationship between workplace ostracism and acquiescent/defensive silencepositively.