To counter to the problem of difficult water removing and low water removing efficiency in gas drainage process by downward boreholes, a parallel multi-hole technology for water removing by compressed air was proposed. Based on the theory of the two-phase flow, the applicable conditions for water removing by compressed air and the maximum permissible length of water removing pipe in the borehole were obtained, the hole-sealing technology for downward boreholes based on "water removing by compressed air'and the parallel muhi-hole water removing system were designed. The application of this technology in S2107 high-level gas drainage roadway in Yuwu Coal Company showed that the gas drainage concentration by the test borehole was up to 71%, and the average amount of pure gas drainage by a single hole was 0. 078 m^3/min, increased by 3.39 times as compared with that by a normal drainage hole. This technology not only solved the problem of difficult water removing in the downward boreholes, but also achieved the integration of the borehole sealing, water removing and gas drainage, and improved the effect of gas drainage.