The features of large image database is so complicated that traditional algorithms of object segmentation can not extract the ROI( region of interest) correctly, which causes the inaccuracy of object segmentation. In order to improve the accuracy of segmentation, we proposed a new algorithm of automatic object extraction based on ROI and machine learning algorithm Support Vector Machine (SVM), which takes the object extraction as a classifying process. The segmentation was conducted in pixel precision, which improved the accuracy of segmentation result. Based on attention window, we used the improved Sojka algorithm to calculate the corner of object which determined the ROI. Then, the samples of object and background were extracted randomly. To improve the classification accura- cy, we used the similarity measure to get rid of the redundancy samples. Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm has higher accuracy in image segmentation. With no human interaction, our method achieved automatic ob- jection extraction, which solves the large image database segmentation problem and provides a reference for object au- tomatic segmentation of image dataset in internet.