The aggregation of patchy particle with distinct patchy was investigated by the statistical mechanical method, in which the change in some average physical quantities with degree of association was of the particular interest. Specifically, the equilibrium free energy and laws of mass action describing the two types of associations were derived by the constructed partition function, and then the size distribution of patchy clusters was obtained. Based on these results, the number- and weight-average degrees of association, the gelation condition as well as the dependence of pre-gel and post-gel regimes on the patchy number were discussed. Furthermore, the kinetic differential equation for description of the growth of patchy clusters was proposed and used to perform the Monte Carlo simulation. The consistence between simulation and analytical results demonstrate the validity of the kinetic differential equation. An aim is attempted to correlate thermodynamic and dynamic conditions with the degrees of association, and thereby provide possible clue for regulating the aggregated and phase structures of patchy particles.