Based on the comparison and interpretation of seismic data obtained using an 8×8 km grid, the authors have studied the development of deep fault depressions in the southeastem uplift area of the Songliao basin and think that the fault depressions mainly developed in the Shahezian stage, when eight fault depressions of different sizes occurred. According to the results of seismic interpretation and other related data, the authors have analyzed the difference in distribution of the Huoshiling Formation, Shahezi Formation and Yingcheng Formation during the downfaulting period. Based on the regional geological setting and structures of this area, they think that the deep downfaulting period in the southeastem uplift area of the Songliao basin may be divided into three evolutional stages: the initial rifting stage (Huoshilingian stage), strong downfaulting stage (Shahezian stage) and downfaulting-downwarping transition stage (Yingchengian stage). The reworking of the deep downfaulted strata is also analyzed.