太赫兹时域光谱技术是(THz-TDS)以飞秒激光为基础的一种新型的相干远红外光谱测量技术。利用THz-TDS在室温氮气条件下研究了2-氨基-4-硝基甲苯和对氯苯胺在0.2~3 THz范围内的光学特性,从而获得样品的太赫兹时域谱,通过傅立叶变换得到频域光谱,同时获得对应的吸收谱。结果表明2-氨基-4-硝基甲苯和对氯苯胺在此波段都存在多个明显的特征吸收峰。这项研究表明:太赫兹光谱可以鉴别不同的偶氮染料中间体分子,这为进一步检测其他染料分子提供了一种新的测试方法。
Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy(THz-TDS) is a new coherent spectral technique based on fem to second laser technology.The radiation band belongs to far infrared.In this study,the optical characteristics of P-Chloroaniline and 2-amion-4-nitrotoluene in the frequency range 0.2~3 THz are investigated by THz-TDS at room temperature,and their absorption spectra are obtained at room temperature.The results indicate that P-Chloroaniline and 2-amion-4-nitrotoluene have distinct absorption features in such a frequency range.This research shows that terahertz spectroscopy can identify the different elements of Azo dyes intermediates and provides a new test method which can test further other dye molecules.