针对因正常和高甘油三脂血清荧光光谱混叠致使其识别率不高的问题,首先测量了正常和高甘油三脂血清样品在260,370,580 nm激发光下产生的荧光光谱,并以荧光强度作为样品的初始特征;其次,采用主成分分析法对初始特征进行分析和提取,获得了样品的特征向量;最后,构建了4层概率神经网络,并对正常和高甘油三脂血清样品进行了识别。对采用不同荧光光谱进行血清样品识别的效果进行了对比,结果表明,采用260 nm和370 nm荧光光谱识别正常和高甘油三脂血清的正确率分别为100%和95%。实验验证了研究方案的可行性和效果,对发展荧光光谱技术在识别高甘油三脂血症中的应用具有重要的意义和价值。
The fluorescence spectra overlap of normal serum and hypetriglyceridemia serum will result in low recognition rate.The paper reports a recognition method of hypertriglyceridemia serum using fluorescence spectroscopic analysis based on principal component analysis and probabilistic neural networks.Firstly,fluorescence spectra of normal serum and hypertriglyceridemia serum were measured with the excitation wavelengths of 260,370,580 nm.And the sample's initial feature vector was defined according to fluorescence intensities.Secondly,principal component analysis was used to extract the initial feature vector and establish new sample's feature vector according to the cumulate reliability(95%).Finally,the four-layer probabilistic neural network was founded for serum samples' recognition.Study designed seven groups of experimental scheme by choosing different fluorescence spectrum for recognition effect comparison.The result showed that recognition rates of the normal serum and hypertriglyceridemia serum were 100% and 95% respectively using fluorescence spectra with the excitation wavelengths of 260 nm and 370 nm.The feasibility and effect of the recognition scheme were demonstrated.The study provides an important guidance for developing the recognition technique of hypertriglyceridemia serum using fluorescence spectroscopic analysis based on probabilistic neural networks.