水源性原虫病是由经水传播的原虫所引起的一类寄生虫病。近年来,由水污染原虫造成大量疾病的爆发引起了对水源性原虫病的高度重视。本文就近年来国内外对隐孢子虫、贾第虫和环孢子虫等水源性原虫病流行病学与分子检测研究进展作 一概述。
Waterborne protozoal disease is one of parasitic diseases which are caused by protozoa, transmitted via water. In recent years, a large number of diseases outbreak due to protozoa from contaminated water have raised serious concerns about the waterborne protozoal disease. This paper reviews the advance of the study on epidemiology and molecular detection of waterborne protozoon such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia and Cyclospora at home and abroad.