Combined with fine measuring equipment, vertical seepage sand piping tests were carried out through a self-designed model slot. The geometry and hydraulic parameters of soils and the particles movement characteristics are obtained during the tests to study the particle grading impact on piping development and to explore the mesoscopic mechanism of piping. In piping type soils, the gradation of movable particles does not affect the final particles loss fraction, while the maximum size and distribution law of loss particles are influenced. Whether the seepage failure occurs or not and the corrosion process are affected greatly by the movable particle content, and the critical content of movable particles and the self-filtering phenomenon should be considered fully. Through the stereo microscope, the self-filtering and self-stabilizing process internal the sand soil with critical content of fine particles is obtained during seepage from the mesoscopic view. It further reveals the interlayer value of D15/d85 resulting from interaction of soil and water is in line with the self-stabilizing gradation characteristics, which leads to the system self-stabilizing, In order to discriminate the seepage failure mode and critical hydraulic gradient magnitude in the case of sand with wide grade distribution and lack of middle size, it is necessary to carry out experimental demonstration for the complex interaction of soil and water, according to the accrual grading feature of engineering soils and the hydraulic conditions based on the traditional judgment formula or experience curves.