广西桂林南边村剖面作为全球泥盆系-石炭系界线辅助层型剖面,在界线处的δ13 C值、δ18 O值、w(Ni)、w(Al2O3)等都出现一定程度的突变,这为该剖面的高精度地层划分和对比提供了可能性。南边村剖面和黄茆剖面的化学地层学对比显示黄茆剖面长顺页岩的时代应相当于南边村剖面第56层至第60层,而牙形石演化的证据表明南边村剖面的第56层底部为泥盆系-石炭系界线,因此黄茆剖面的泥盆系-石炭系界线应位于长顺页岩底部。Hangenberg事件作为一次泥盆纪-石炭纪之交的全球性事件,在斜坡相的南边村剖面上也有一定的表现,例如w(Al2O3)上升所代表的海退,δ13C值下降代表的生物灭绝事件,以及Ni异常事件。
As a global assistant stratotype section and point of Devonian-Carboniferous boundary, Nanbian- cun Section shows an abnormal record of δ13 C,δ13O, Ni, and A12O3 at its boundary, which provides the possibility of high accuracy chemostratigraphy research. Chemostratigraphy comparison between Nanbian- cun Section and Huangmao Section shows that the age of Changshun shale at Huangmao Scetion is equal to Bed 56 to 60 at Nanbiancun Section. At Nanbiancun Section, the base of Bed 56 is defined as Devonian- Carboniferous boundary due to the conodont evidence, which means the base of Changshun shale is Devo- nian-Carboniferous boundary at Huangmao Section. As a global event at Devonian-Carboniferous bounda- ry, Hangenberg event had an impact on Nanbiancun Section with a raise of A12O3 and Ni, but a drop of δ3 C.