文章采用数据包络分析方法对张家界市22 年来旅游发展的效率水平进行了测量,结果显示,该市22 年来的城市旅游效率只有2006 年、2007 年和2012 年达到有效,说明多数年份没有充分利用资源.在各分解效率中,规模效率水平较低,但技术效率和利用效率水平相对较高.规模效率与总效率的相关性强于技术效率和利用效率,说明城市旅游发展过程中资源投入规模是决定张家界城市旅游效率水平的最重要因素.以2000 年左右为界限,张家界城市旅游的效率可以划分为快速增长期和相对稳定期两个阶段.随着资源投入规模的不断扩大,通过要素投入获取更高生产效率的空间逐渐收窄.研究认为,不同阶段对资源投入利用方式的差异是决定张家界城市旅游效率水平的关键,而这种特征正是人地关系相互影响的有效验证.
It is of great significance to evaluate the tourism performance for improving the resourceutilization capacity in the process of urban tourism development. Taking Zhangjiajie as an example, itsefficiency level of urban tourism development in 22 years was well measured by using data envelopmentanalysis. The results show that, although Zhangjiajie is a world famous tourist city, its average overallefficiency level of urban tourism development was not very high, with the exceptions of the years of 2006,2007 and 2012. This illustrates that tourism resources of Zhangjiajie have not been fully utilized in most ofthe years investigated. As far as the different decompositions of overall efficiency were considered, the levelof scale efficiency was relatively low when considering Zhangjiajie’s urban tourism development, but thetechnical efficiency and congestion efficiency were relatively high. The formation of this character dependson the attribute feature of tourism industry, and essentially tourism industry, a labor- intensive serviceindustry that faces a final consumption, was relatively less affected by technological progress during itsdevelopment process. Therefore, under the condition that limited technology can be easily copied in tourismindustry, technical efficiency and congestion efficiency were significantly higher than scale efficiency. Thecorrelation index of overall efficiency and its decompositions show that the correlation level between scaleefficiency and overall efficiency was obviously stronger than the correlation level between overall efficiencyand its other two decompositions including technical efficiency and congestion efficiency, which shows thescale of resource investment is the most important factor to determine the overall efficiency level in theurban tourism development of Zhangjiajie. From the evolution process we can see that, the tourismefficiency growth of Zhangjiajie can be divided into two stages: rapid growth stage and stable growth stage.Although the efficiency grows a bit faster i