In order to predict the full life of existing reinforced concrete bridge affected by chloride contamination, a more reasonable time model of concrete corrosion cracking needs to be selected. Univariate changes, multivariate changes and sensitivity index were used to analyze the ten con- crete cover cracking time models under the condition of chloride contamination environment, and the sensitivity of cracking time tcr to each input parameter was obtained. Then, the appropriate cracking time model was determined. The results show that the results of three sensitivity analy- sis methods are almost consistent. Univariate sensitivity analysis shows that tcr has higher sensi- tivity for i (j ) ,ρr ,δ0 ,am, which belongs to four important parameters in the model. Multiva- riate sensitivity analysis shows that the sensitivity of tcr to icorr increases, and the change rate of tcr caused by the changes of c,d and ft is also notable. Analysis of sensitivity index shows that sensitivites of c,d and ft are slightly elevated. Considering the seven parameters above, this pa-per concludes that the model eight proposed by Liu and Weyers is reasonable model for engineer- ing applications. 4 tabs, 7 figs, 25 refs.