为提高数据包投递率和降低时延,提出了一种基于地理和交通信息的车载Ad Hoc网络(VANET)路由算法.该算法利用实时的道路交通信息和车辆移动位置预测进行数据转发,并采取暂存转发策略,同时能处理目的节点移动情况.仿真结果表明,该算法比贪婪的周边无状态路由(GPSR)算法具有更高的数据包投递率和更低的时延.
A position and traffic based routing protocol for vehicular Ad Hoc networks(VANETs) in city is proposed with using real time traffic information and mobility prediction to forward data with the idea of "carry and forward".The protocol can work well where the destination node is moving.Simulation result shows that,compared with greedy perimeter stateless routing(GPSR),it achieves good delivery rate improvement and lower delay.