Using the daily data of forward exchange rate from CNY onshore market, CNH offshore market and NDF offshore market over the period from October llth 2011 to February l st,2016, this paper attempts to investigate the time invariant spillover effect and time variant spillover effect among the above three markets by constructing the spiUover index. The results shows that : ( 1 ) NDF market has a strong spillover effect on CNY market and CNH market, CNY market has a weak spillover effect on CNH market, and there are no spillover effect among other markets; (2)Both the two important exchange rate reforms happened in April 2012 and August 2015 have spillover effects on the three markets. It is then suggested that China can moderately promote the market-oriented reform of exchange rate, expand the rate of exchange rate fluctua- tions, and improve the risk aversion and isolation mechanism to promote the internationalization of the RMB process.