The Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC) in South Africa is the largest known mafic layered intrusion, with the EW-extending length being 450 km and NS width being 250 km. It is also the most important single-repository platinum group dements (PGE), chromite and vanadiferous magnetite deposit. The Bushveld Deposit (BD) is the largest PGE deposit in the world, with reserves of PGE 65 473 tons, occupying 75% of this kind of resource in the world. It includes more than 30 PGE deposits along the Rustenburg Layered Suite (RLS, 7-~ 9 km in thickness), in which three ore bodies within the BIC, i.e. the Upper Group 2 chromitite (UG2, ac- counting for 58 % ), the Merensky Reef (MR, accounting for 32 % ) and the Platreef (PR, accounting for 9 % ) are especially remarkable. RLS has been divided into five major zones from bottom to top: marginal zone (mgZ), lower zone (LZ), critical zone (CZ), main zone (MZ) and upper zone (UZ), in which CZ is the maior ore-bearing zone. RLS has two major ore-forming features: one is that enormous amounts of PGE mineralization are always associated with beds of base metal sulfides (BMS) characterized by low-grade (Ni 0.15 % --0.36 %, Cu 0.03 % --0.18 % ) and low-density, and the other is that there exist integral sequence and mineralizing posi- tion, forming multilayered chromites in LZ and CZ, and the major platinum-bearing layers are UG2 and MR at the top of CZ. Multilayered platinum mineralization is in MZ and only magnetite occurs in UZ. The rock-form- ing and ore-forming ages of BID range from 2 050 Ma to 2 060 Ma, suggesting products of Paleoproterozoic. The metallogenic setting of the Bushveld deposit was epicontinental rift. The metallogenic mechanism of the deposit is that the assimilation and contamination of hydrosillicate components in the crust caused the differentiation of sulfides to form base metal sulfides (BMS), and the enrichment of PGE resulted from sulfide differentiation and adsorption. The parent magma of RLS wa