Organ transplantation is the most effective treatment for end stage organ failure, While organ donation after a citizen % death has been the main source of donor organ for transplantation in China. Extensive application of organ preser- vation and repair techniques have played key roles in improving the quality of donor organs and in prognosis. A guideline on clinical practice is urgently needed for effective and standardized application of these techniques. Experts of the Chinese College of Transplant Doctors, the Division of Organ Transplantation,Surgery Branch, CMA and the China Liver Transplant Registry (CLTR) Scientific Committee met to jointly arrive at this expert consensus which is based on current evidences on basic and clin- ical practice of organ procurement, quality evaluation, organ preservation and repair relating to liver, kidney, pancreas, in- testine, heart and lung transplantations. The recommendations were composed using the Oxford evidence classification and the GRADE system. This consensus aims to optimize strategies in providing a scientific and a standard guideline for clinical trans- plantation practice.