根据山西吕梁机场连续3 a的原位观测资料显示,地基中多处暗穴的扩展导致黄土高填方表面产生不均匀沉陷甚至坍塌现象,这对机场道面的危害极大。从塌陷平衡理论和破裂拱理论出发,将暗穴扩展模式分为:受黄土垂直裂隙发育影响的竖向抬升模式和受黄土水敏性影响的径向扩容模式,并基于上述理论建立暗穴扩展过程的动态量化计算方法。在此基础上采用三维有限元方法,分析暗穴扩展过程中对机场道面的响应,提出基于许可变形和临界厚度相结合的道面稳定性判定方法。并基于压实黄土的室内侵蚀性试验,提出暗穴在扩展过程中道面出现不稳定现象的时间节点的初步预测方法。
It was shown from three years of in-situ tests of Luliang airport in Shanxi province that the expansion and collapse of hidden cavities in loess filled high embankment were harmful to the airstrip. Based on the theory of equilibrium and arch upon collapse,the expansion of hidden cavities were divided into a mode of lifting and a mode of radial expansion. The lifting mode was due to the development of the vertical fractures in loess and the radial expansion mode was due to the water sensitivity of loess. The quantitative methods of calculating the expansion process of hidden cavities were proposed. The three dimensional finite element method(3D-FEM) was used to analyze the deformation and stabilization of airstrip induced by the expansion of hidden cavities. A method of stability analysis was proposed based on the deformation limits and critical thickness. A method of predicting the stability of airstrip was also proposed when hidden cavities were expanding based on the laboratory disintegration test of compacted loess.