Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the independent role of central motor control in the alternations of sEMG mean power frequency during elbow flexion to ex- tension transition. Method: 10 healthy male subjects took part in the experiment, which consis- ted of two phase isometric fatigue loading exercise. In the first exercise, the subject performed elbow flexion as soon as possible under the load intensity 60% MVC, then subject performed elbow isometric extension as soon as possible. Both sEMG activities of biceps brachii and tri- ceps brachii were recorded and then mean power frequency and other parameters were calculat- ed. Result : ( 1 ) During the rapid transition phase, mean power frequency and other sEMG pa- rameters changed significantly. (2)During two phase elbow isometric contractions, both agonist and antagonist muscle showed similar activity patterns of MPF,C(n) and %DET,but AEMG remained relatively constant. Conclusion:The experimental results suggested brain central mo- tor control system displayed an independent role in the alternations of MPF of biceps brachii during fatigue exercise, the possible mechanisms was that both agonist and antagonist were to- tally controlled by the central motor control system.